The Poetry of pansy bradshaw

Our glorious pansy passed on October 23, 2014.  He passed quickly, of a bleed in his brain, in Missoula Montana.  The 3 children he raised were at his side along with his sister, brother-in-law and several dear friends.  We are heart-broken.  You can read his obituary here.
pansy bradshaw - panxy - cathy weber - severe queer review - betty and pansy - poems - art Long time partners in crime…..
My dear friend pansy bradshaw was a widely published poet, co-author of the best-selling travel guide (“Betty and Pansy’s Severe Queer Review of San Francisco”), notorious queer activist, highly regarded child-care professional (walking literally, in the footsteps of Sacagawea), preacher and hospice chaplain.   He is a native of Miami, Florida but lived with us in Dillon, Montana for 18 years.   We have collaborated on several pieces. I was hoping for more…..

domestik 1
a poem lyke a house
a home
a cave
& a wall
a poem
lyke the wall of a house
lyke red ochre
lyke the print of a
childs palm
dimmly lit by fire
in the eyes
of animals
& of people
who live there…
-p.b. copyright, 4.march.2001 by pansy bradshaw
domestik 2
there are eggs in the house
gatherd frum the store
& not stolen frum a hen
as in the olden tymes
the eggs come home
in the bak of the car
after shopping
the mother
makes pancakes with the eggs
& the flour
& the milk
all bought frum the store
& not harvestd frum
the field
& not milked
frum a cow
as in olden tymes
the mother
makes pancakes
& a small boy eats them
with syrup
& a fork
& the nanny wonders
the nanny always wonders
through it all
how many pancakes did our
drop into the fire
how many pancakes
burned in the fire
be4 understanding
they needed
an iron pan
& that gas flames
were better than
cave fires
made from anything
that might burn
p.b. copyright  5.march.2001 by pansy bradshaw
domestik 3
& wat of the animals
are there animals in the house
are there animals in the field
there is a dog
there are horses too
& in the warm wet spring
you can smell the horses
& the wooly mammoth
which used to roam
in the field
outside the entrance to
the cave
though the dog
which is only there
stays in the mudroom
except during parties
when the dog
& not the horses
is permitted to
but never
never ever
the wooly mammoth

-p.b. copyright 5.march.2001 by pansy bradshaw

domestik 4
there is always musik
in the house
there is a piano
though we did not have
a piano
when we lived
in the cave
there are guitars
which were not
in the cave
there is a stereo too
& none of these were
in the cave
& people in the house
are always
the same as when we were
in the cave
& the wild beast
which lurked outside
the caves entrance
was that the wooly mammoth
with fire reflektd
in its eyes
& even the door of the house
makes musik
when the people kome home
& when the people go out
even the door
makes musik
-p.b. copyright 5.march.2001 by pansy bradshaw
domestik 5
saying gudbye in the house
was hard enough
saying gudbye in the house
was painful enough
after the lights
went out
when his light
went out
lyke a shooting star
wich the nanny saw
frum the caves entrance
the boys mother
bathed the man
with warm water
in a large glass bowl
& a soft cloth
after the shooting star
arched across
the midnight sky
& the men drank
their koffee blak
& the men were somber
& then
she sed gudbye
& the baby too
sed gudbye
& we stood in the yard
& on the steps
& on the drive
& we sed
gudbye together
& we sang songs
& the wooly mammoth
lumberd away
sad sorrowful songs
-p.b. copyright  5.march.2001 by pansy bradshaw

cathy weber - art - painting - woman - oil - montana - painting - poem - object - stone - pansy bradshaw, - 4 sex werks - bead - dragon - poetry

4 sex werks

posess the
& extacy
most delerious

pray lover
open your
& tongue
the dragon

eat the
colour me

we disolve
in streams
as ungathered
to be consumed

   -p.b. copyright 2007 by pansy bradshaw

 cathy weber - art - painting - woman - oil - montana - painting - poem - object - stone - pansy bradshaw, - 4 sex werks - bead - dragon - poetry
 07.029    4 Sex Werks, Oil on panel